
Dare to Dream

I'm joining Third in Hollywood for the TPT Seller Challenge this week...a week late!  It's a great idea to boost sales and followers! 

I have a good excuse for my week-lateness!  I'm teaching summer school!  It's been busy.  Our district does full days of school (no recess) :( for three weeks.  It's a pretty full day!  I have second graders.  They are adorable and I'm enjoying the change from third-even though many of these guys may be in my class this year!  Our summer school is called "extended year" and that's really what it is. More practice and help for these guys!
If you want to join the challenge...it really is a great idea!

Sooo, back to my "Dare to Dream" post!  I didn't have to think hard to hone in on my dreams right now.  NOT that I couldn't have filled the page with more than three (like new living room furniture, but that's more like a wish, and shorter-term, I hope!) 

#1:  Get two kids through college:  My two youngest are just starting college.  My middle son is 19 and is completing his first year and my daughter starts this fall.  So hello college-goodbye money!

#2: We are hoping to sell our home soon and purchase a place on some acreage in East Texas.  It is so pretty out there, and we are tired of the traffic here in the Dallas/FortWorth area.  Now...to talk my parents into moving out there with us!!

#3:  I am completing my master's degree in literacy in October.  I would honestly be fine with teaching for the rest of my career, and if that is where God wants me, I'm fine with that!  I am looking for that perfect fit new spot, if it exists!  We'll see what unfolds!


  1. Loved reading your post! Your first dream about paying for kids' college is the same as mine! :D I'd love to also move out of town! Beautiful blog, by the way. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Shelly, Thanks for the comment! I have actually visited your blog before. Last summer for about 2 days, I thought I was being moved to fifth grade! It turned out I stayed in third (I really didn't want to move my stuff, but was fine w/ teaching fifth!) I was looking for great fifth grade blogs and ideas, and I loved yours.

  2. So funny to come across your post...I am moving to Fort Worth next week :) Good luck finding acreage!!! Thanks for sharing!
    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  3. What a cute blog you have! Are you going to teach in Fort Worth? Welcome to TEXAS! Please get in touch if you need anything! Julie


It's all about sharing ideas here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please check back because I do reply to comments here!