
Texas Open House

This is Texas Public School Week.  We are readying our rooms for Open House on March 6. Our school goes all out (or as much as time allows!)  I had to cut a couple of projects since we had curriculum assessments this week.  We ALSO had an ice day on Monday, so no school, and no extra projects.  We have to stick with the ones we finished last week because we have parents coming tomorrow night!!

I want to share some of our artsy projects with you.  I do have some definite favorites this year!! One of the hardest, but very best art activities is our cartoon drawing.  We have students choose a simple comic (just one square from the comic strip).  We encourage them to choose the one with the fewest lines.  They then fold a piece of manila paper into fourths.  Have them decide if they should use the paper "hamburger or hotdog" style (portrait or landscape.)  They then also fold the tiny comic into fourths.  Using the document camera, I show them how to draw one fourth at a time.   We use pencil to draw first, and then trace all of the lines with Sharpies.  They do the best coloring of their lives to make it look awesome.  You can see some of the original comics stapled to the tops of their drawings.  I know these pictures don't look like third graders did the artwork, but I assure you they did it.  It is a fun, successful activity with stunning results! 



Another fun art activity we do each year is "desk people."  We use tagboard and have the kids draw a picture of themselves from their waist up.  They add some length to their arms and cut out hands.  They color front and back so that it looks more realistic from all angles.  It is just so cute to walk in the room and see them all sitting there with their work displayed on their desks.  I hated to see it all have to come down this morning! 



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