
Fraction Statements

Writing in math is so important.  Fractions seem to provide a huge opportunity to write aside from writing word problems.  I have collected a variety of objects from the Dollar Tree, Target, Party City, etc... I look for objects that are the same, but in a variety of colors or have a variety of attributes. Party favors are usually a good bet!  I found a set of really cute and colorful buttons, pom-poms work well, plastic sea turtles, and the big favorite...tiny ninjas!

The students write things like: "2/6 of the ninjas are yellow."  "1/6 of the ninjas are blue."

I use these in centers  after we practice quite a bit in a whole group using our math journals.  After I model how to write the statements and they get to see the objects on the document camera, interest is HIGH and they can't wait to get their hands on the little objects I have in their math station.  

Start collecting little things that the kids will like to touch, and you probably have stuff in your classroom already!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea. I'm going to start keeping my eyes open for items that will work. Thanks for the tip!
    Laughter and Consistency


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