
The Sunday Scoop

Linking up with Teaching Trio with the Scoop!  
Sunday Scoop
Here's what's happening!  I'm making a big pot of stew (and my son comes in from work and tells me he is going to eat out, but husband and daughter will eat, so it's ok!) Is it already time for grades??? Sometimes I wish we didn't have to do grades, but I guess there would be an alternative that may not be as simple. Our K-2 teachers do an elaborate report card that I hear is coming our way next year. SOOO, no complaints here. We have a gigantic PLC meeting coming up.  Lots of data and information to share, so lots to prepare this week.  I am ALMOST done with Christmas shopping. Do I have a tree up yet? (um, no)  But I have gifts! We usually give our kids in our classes some hot chocolate, peppermint, marshmallows, and a recipe for "Snowman Soup."  We haven't even talked about what we're doing yet! Yikes!  We make the adorable cinnamon ornaments with the kids to give to their parents and I'll post the recipe for both next time. And the BIGGEST thing I'm so happy to do is NOT have a grad class to worry about until January 12. Freedom is a great thing. 

Have a great week!!! 

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