
TBT: What's Creepier Than Snot Stew?

 It's Throwback Thursday:Halloween Party at The Teacher's Desk 6
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Does that book title get your attention?  It did for my kids!  They couldn't wait to find out why the book is called Snot Stew (that title needed to be greeeen)!  If you have never read this story to your class, it is a must for third graders. It is perfect as a read aloud or as a chapter book to use for instruction.  Whether you end up reading it for fun or for instruction, I've created a pre-reading activity...for free, of course (like most of my stuff, because I like to share :), that will have your kids really thinking and wondering what this animal character is talking about!!

     I love the inference and prediction possibilities in this story right from the start.  The story is written from the point of view of the kitten, Kikki.  It is also a great way to teach point of view. (That's another day!)  This lesson is about the prediction and inference aspect of the story.  
    You wouldn't have to read the whole story to do this activity.  It could be a stand-alone or maybe a "teaser" to get the kids to check out the story at the library! Enough with the ideas already...{here} ya go!
Get it at Buy Sell Teach
or TPT

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