How about a question like: "How many 10's in 130?" |
Next the students "mill around" the room and find a partner to ask their question to. They ask their question, the partner answers (or tries to). The answer is confirmed and repeated, the second partner reads his or her question. The answer is confirmed. They tell each other "good job" or give a pat on the back and then trade cards with one another.
They find a new partner and ask the question from their new card. Repeat the process until the questions have gone around the room for a bit, maybe 4-5 minutes.
By the end of the session, they have practiced, maybe learned something new and congratulated each other on their successes! You could take the cards up to pass out another day and play again. If you need to save time, you could have the cards written ahead of time. The kids would probably learn more if they wrote them.
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