
Guided Math 2.0

I have been enjoying my guided math stations this year (math workshop).  Here is a snapshot of what we do.  I have four basic stations: Math Facts, At Your Seat(work), Teacher Group, Hands-On.  We have learned about 6-7 of the hands-on games so far. They are really good at them.  Race to 50 or 100 is the favorite right now. Last Friday, I showed them how to use the QR reader on the iPad mini's and do some task cards I bought from Lori Flaglor's TpT store.  She has the best math task cards around, in my opinion.  I chose a second grade version because I knew this early in the year they could be independent with it and enjoy checking it with the QR codes.

 I got my Guided Math Rotation Board from The Clutterfree Classroom {here.}

My kids are in various stations in these pictures. One of their favorites is "Hot Dots" from Lakeshore Learning (but you can get them other places as well.) The kids figure out the answer and check their answer using the Hot Dots Pen.  I like that they can be silenced (the pens, not the kids) and they just check with the red or green light that comes on. But if you're in the mood for some noise, then by all means, turn the sound ON! 

Another station (where some serious practice goes on!) is seatwork.  This is my chance to hold them accountable for what they know.  I keep a hanging file for each of them. They know to get their seatwork for that day out of the file, and they put it back in if they don't finish in the 15 minutes or so in that rotation.  If it is "building up" in the file and they are overloaded, then maybe I need to back down on what I'm giving them.  I do individualize this way.  It is an awesome way to allow all of them to practice on their own level.  

Today, in the teacher station we worked on rounding to the nearest 10 using my "rounding machines."  I got this idea from Pinterest, but I couldn't find where when I searched.  These are made from foam core board cut into rectangles.  We poked holes in the board in order to stick a large pipe cleaner (threaded with two beads) into the holes and taping it down on the back to keep it secure. 

Back taped down. 
Next, I created some number lines starting with multiples of 10 (0-10 and going to up to 90-100). The kids have a number to round and find the correct number line to slip under the pipe cleaner. This gives them practice in finding the correct benchmarks to use for rounding.  They place the bead on the number they are rounding and the other bead on the rounded answer. 

We practice with the "rounding machines", I gave them some cards with two digit numbers on them, and off they go!  

Organized Chaos!

The math facts station also involves just good 'ole flashcards.  It's also the noisiest station, but it's part of the excitement of getting the fact right!
That's it!  We do it every day.  We journal on Fridays, and sometimes in between.  Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment and let me hear how you do math workshop. 

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