
Cursive…or Not?

Does anyone teach cursive anymore?  We always have in the third grade curriculum in our district, and I guess I just thought it was continued through the years just as review.  Evidently not!  I don't feel like I have enough time to devote to it, but I wish I could spend as much time as my third grade teacher did.  She was so patient and methodical with cursive.  I LOVED watching her write it on the board.  There was something very calming and developmental about producing cursive when I was 8 or 9.  I just think it's important.  Unfortunately, I am as busy as the rest of the teachers in America, and I'm afraid it's slipping away, like a lost art. 

I recently heard that kids had to write in cursive on the SAT.  That gave me a little hope that if someone put it on a test, then it would become important once again.  That seems to be where all important things exist…on a test (no bitterness detected, right?!)
Here is what I found out:
Evidently, you just have to write a statement to ensure it is your writing on the test and that you have not cheated.
(exerpt taken from http://www.examiner.com/article/cursive-now-required-on-the-psat-and-sat)
So, my question is this: 
Should cursive be taught to elementary age kids, or should we skip it and focus on core subjects?  I'm very interested in your comments and opinions! 

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  1. In my district cursive is introduced and used in grades 2-5. Once the kids reach the junior high I think they have more freedom to choose what they prefer. I still find value in teaching it to my students and allowing them time to practice, however I do not grade their cursive.
    It's an interesting debate...
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  2. My goal is to find more time before the year is over. At least they will leave third grade with it fresh in their minds!


It's all about sharing ideas here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please check back because I do reply to comments here!