
Review the Year!

Review skills as you go, or use the whole set at the end of the year with this set of 24 task cards.  The problems are balanced between addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, two-step problems, and geometry.  There are large cards to use with the whole group (I like to tape them up around the room and let the kids go around with clipboards), or there are small ones for small groups.  I created black and white as well as full color depending on your printing preference!  (Maybe you're almost out of color ink this year!?)  I hope you enjoy them!! 
Two ways to find them: TPT or Buy Sell Teach! 

Larger size cards for the whole class to use around the room!
Simple addition as well as more challenging problems.
Smaller cards in colorful chevron borders.
Small cards can be printed in black ink to save money!
Get them at TPT or Buy Sell Teach! 

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  1. These look great! It's always beneficial (or scary) to have a review at this time of the year.
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  2. I think after testing is over for us and we breathe that sigh of relief, it's hard to think about reviewing anything. I just want to do art all day!


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