
Five for Friday! 5/2/14

Doodlebugs Teaching!

Field Day!

Ours came a little early this year, but what a good thing.  Texas in May can be really hot in the afternoon. We actually got a breezy, 70's day. (I didn't realize how the heat calms them down - they were pretty wild, haha!) 
My class won the tug-a-war, so they were thrilled! The best part of all, and I mean the BEST part is that our PTA has an amazing concession stand all week long. The kids buy punch cards for their purchases and just eat nachos, popcorn, candy and slushies at every opportunity. It's the best week of the year because the kids behave like angels so we'll take them to concessions! 

How does your school do field days?

Mother's Day "Mini-Me"

This is a super simple "person" cut-out that we use for the kids to write a cinquain about themselves. To save time, I usually type their poems when they're done. Here is a freebie I found from TpT, but instead of Spring, we describe ourselves. 

First, we fold a sheet of construction paper into eighths. (I usually just do a half sheet because I like these to be really "mini".)  
fold into eighths

Next, open it up and cut out the left and right lower eighths.  

Now fold over the top left and right eighths to make a "jacket" over the front of the shirt.  You will glue the cinquian underneath the two flaps.
fold over the top left and right eighths to make the "jacket"

Now glue the "sleeves" to the back of the jacket. Add legs and shoes to the bottom of the person.  Some of the girls made their bottom half into a skirt and the boys drew a line or cut it to make pants.  We cut out circles for a head using the rim of a cup to trace.  You'll have to experiment with size. We also added hands, hair, and the face cut out of paper.  Moms love these! Some of them really do look like the kids! 

Graduation (and a family moment :o)

Hey, I know this isn't Facebook, but I had to share! My son is graduating from high school this month. I'm happy and sad- as all moms are at this time. He's just a fantastic kid, and I'm really proud of him.  He has prom this weekend.  Lots of fun stuff happening! Starting college in the summer sessions to get some stuff out of the way. 
I love this picture of him and my dad with their lettermen's jackets on (at Christmastime at my parents' house.)
Dad graduated from the same high school in the 50's, got some tradition goin'!


We are currently writing and illustrating books with partners. It has been a huge project, but we are finally getting them all typed and illustrated.  I found these paperback, storybook-size blank books at Target (where else?) for $3 (for 8 books!)

Blank books from Target Dollar Spot (8/$3)

Different stages of "finished."

Oreo and Harley have their own "spy car."


Instead of always just answering A, B, C, D on paper, we "go to corners" to show what the answer is.  This took a little training to make sure we don't make fun of anyone who goes to the wrong corner. We encourage independence, standing firm on your answer, even if you turn out to be wrong.  I find that this also increases their efforts to find the right answer since they have to show me what they think.  I do have them answer on paper first to make sure we don't have "followers" who are following friends to the right answer.  This is great for a quick assessment of who gets a concept and who doesn't.  Once they feel "safe" to stand in the answer corner of their choice, I find lots of teachable moments based on their choices!  
These kids think "B" is the right answer!
My "A" Corner
And you guessed it! C and D occupy the other two corners of my room.

As an extension of this, I also have addition, subtraction, multiplication and division corners so that when we solve problems, we can point to the operation we think will solve the problem. (We also sometimes just point to the A,B,C, and D answers as well.) Just getting out of their seats really improves engagement (and my assessment of what they know!) 

Have an awesome weekend!!

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  1. Hello! I'm a fellow 3rd grade teacher from Massachusetts - I found you through Five For Friday. I love the books you found at Target - I'll have to look for them - love your ideas for the mini-me's - very cute!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I think those books may have been my bargain of the year. I hope I can find some more for next year.
      I love how linky parties connect us to teachers from all over!

  2. Okay..I LOVE those published people, they are super cute. I adore that precious picture of your son and father! I've done both the blank books and the question corners- the kids love both activities! My school is doing Field Day differently this year than in years previous. Our PE teacher plans the entire event and we have TONS of extra parent helpers the come, I'll have to let you know how it goes!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

    1. Thank you, Erin! Post some pictures of your field day; I'd love to hear how Y'all do it. I forgot to add that we glue those mini-people on the fronts of their poetry books that we make for Mother's Day (which involve a giant piece of construction paper folded in half with poems inside,). Always good to hear from you!!


It's all about sharing ideas here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please check back because I do reply to comments here!