Here is how I do it:
- Keep task cards in those accordion coupon files (I have three sizes from Target Dollar Spot.)
Target has such cute files! - Keep task card originals and answer sheet originals in a small binder in sheet protectors. I keep these originals even after my task cards are laminated and cut just in case we lose one of them! (and we will lose one sometime!) I also put a sticky note on the original telling myself where the task cards are kept.
- Some answer sheets are hard to identify as to which task cards they go with, so I also add post-it notes telling myself which task cards the answer sheet matches.
small binder for all originals - Keep single game boards (and worksheets) and wipe-off pages used over and over with dry erase markers in sheet protectors in a BIG binder. These can get bulky, so I use the biggest binder I have.
I use heavy-duty sheet protectors - Use dividers with tabs to separate wipe-off pages and games into different skills (e.g. money, measurement, addition/subtraction games)
single page games kept in large binder separated by dividers |
a single page bump game by |
I love your organization! It always feels great when you find a system that works for you!
Short and Sassy Teacher
Thank you! Not that there aren't 500 more things that I still need to never ends! Thank goodness for Target!