
Follow Up to Inference Lesson- WBT

     Using Whole Brain Teaching, we solidified our understanding of what an inference is.  I didn't want them to be confused with making inferences using pictures and making inferences using text.  We talked about how an inference can be made from either one as long as you use "schema."   When we read, we use text and match it to what we already know in our heads, and that = our schema.  When we look at a picture, we study it, match its contents to what we already know and that = our schema as well.  
     So I came up with hand gestures to "mirror" using WBT.  I had the students "mirror" the gestures shown below.  We then did "teach-ok" and practiced a couple of times with our "teach-ok" partners.  Here are some shots of my daughter demonstrating the gestures for you!  I love my daughter-model much better than me doing "selfies" for you!  (and you'll like that better too, promise)
Say: "To make an inference" and hold up pinky finger (= "i" in sign alphabet)

Say: "you use what is in your head" (your knowledge) and point to your head.
Say:  "plus" and make a plus sign with your fingers. 

Say: "What you see - whether it is text or a picture!"  (make a zig-zag motion like you're skimming a page.)

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