
Accuracy Using Mini-Math

Is anyone else frustrated in math when your kids KNOW how to do the problem, but they are constantly inaccurate due to carelessness?!   How many times have I shown them how they worked a problem incorrectly, and they are so mad at themselves because the knew how to do it, but got the answer wrong!  HOW can I make them work with accuracy?!?!?  We practice so much in our Guided Math stations, etc... I haven't found the magic trick that will make them be careful, but I've hit on something that seems to help.  I started this semester doing what I call "mini math."  It worked great last year.  It is simply a tiny portion of a worksheet (all with the same skill) that takes them a few minutes to do.  I offer a prize for perfect 100's (i.e. showing all of their work, finding the correct answers and proving answers when possible.)  The idea that there are only 3-5 problems and that there's a prize waiting if they make a "100," seems to work.  I always have some kids make a 100, but if they forget to use the strategies I've taught, then I say, "yea for the 100, great job!" (but no prize.)  I'm mean, right? But it WORKS.   I find that a tiny math assignment makes them think carefully through each problem without feeling overwhelmed, plus the prize and the "100" are motivating!!  Here is a picture of how I do the "mini math" pages.
These are half pages to start with.  I then cut them apart into tinier "mini-math" pages.

This student WILL get his prize today!!

I use a company called MathWarm-Ups.com (their Fast Focus pages) for my practice pages.  It really is a great company in Texas (but they also have Common Core pages. Texas is not doing Common Core, but our TEKS are very closely aligned with Common Core, so any of the Math Warm-Ups are still good practice for anyone, anywhere.)  But the point is, each mini page is one particular skill.  I just cut apart a whole page when I want to use them for my "mini-math."  You could do that with ANY workbook pages or skill pages you have!  My kids ask EVERY day if we are doing "mini-math."  I know they want a chance to show me they can make a 100…or maybe they want a chance for a prize.  Either way, they want to do math and make a 100 by being careful! 

The result is success over a short amount of time on a smaller scale.  They can then hopefully apply those skills to the bigger situations, like a BIG test! (Ours is April 22-23, aaaaahhh!!)

If you try this strategy, please let me hear how it goes!  I'd love to hear how you adapt it your classroom!!!
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