
Fuel Your Faith LINKY!

I am so excited to link up with Jessica at Joy in the Journey.  It's a different kind of linky...but sooo cool.  How better to encourage your fellow bloggers than with a scripture or quote and a personal encouragement. 

Fuel Your Faith Linky!  Joy in the Journey
My encouragement lies in the fact that things change and it's going to be ok.  That's what I keep telling myself.  Our school is being dismantled grade level by grade level starting fall of 2015.  For example, third grade as we know it right now has 5 more years before we are "transitioned."  It's not fun to think about change, especially when it is CREEPING up on you slowly.  I would almost like it better if they would just "rip the bandaid off already."  But I do know that God is in this.  It is truly out of my control, so I have to know that HE is in charge, and He wants good things for us.  I get excited sometimes (not often enough) to find out what is in store.  I know it's good! 

Is there change in your life?  Be encouraged that God's plans for you are for good, always!  

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

Love Y'all!
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