
...And Here We Go Again!

There I am...first car!

No, I'm not on a fabulous theme park vacation...I'm on my own personal roller coaster!  After thinking for the past month I'm going to teach 5th grade this year, after setting my mind on having a great attitude about the move (my principal told me in June I was going to move to 5th), after pinning a million things on Pinterest that pertain to 5th grade reading/writing, after buying things for my new classroom and posting "before" pictures, and after crying with my team because we're weren't going to be together this year...I've been moved back to third.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled!  It was just a lot of work to talk myself into being excited for fifth, and now kinda disappointing, but happy at the same time.  I LOVE my team, so I did not want to leave them, so this is good.  It's just been an emotional roller coaster.  I do understand that my principal was hoping to put me in a math position.  After he learned I was working on my master's in literacy, he realized he would have to move too many people around to fill that math position (and now actually two math positions.)  Needless to say, I wasn't excited about moving ALL my stuff, and fortunately I hadn't started yet.  So the room reveal will be the same room with some new stuff!  

Has anyone else been on their own roller coaster? It is sometimes the nature of our business or any business, I suppose. 
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