
Our Class Pet

Over the Christmas holiday I was offered a free guinea pig, cage, food, and bedding.  I thought about it for a couple of days about five minutes and emailed my friend and said, "yes, please!"  Her name is Oreo.  I have never had a class pet before, and never really knew that I even wanted one until this one was offered to me, with all the trimmings! She is adorable.  I had no idea how much joy she would bring to the kids.  I knew they would LOVE her, but they want to write about her, read to her during Daily 5, and lie on the floor to watch her every chance they get.  I have a helper each day, so that student gets to hold her (and if it's cage-cleaning day, they GET to help clean!)  I just had to share the darling picture of one of my girls reading to her.  She really sits still the whole time and listens! "Read to Oreo", so cute!!!!  
Reading to Oreo!

March 3, 2014
Guess What?!?!?! 
We have a new addition!
We now have an adorable new class pet who will be 
Oreo's BFF.  After reading about how guinea pigs 
don't like to be alone and how they love to have at 
lease one other piggy as company, my daughter talked me into getting Oreo a friend (another female of  course, we don't want more friends!)  She is sooo precious! Her name is Harley and she's about three months old.  I am planning to just put her in the cage tomorrow and let the kids notice her on their own. 
She looks like she was born with a "bad hair day" in 
progress.  This type of guinea pig (Abbysinnian)
always has messy hair with cowlicks and spikes. It's really cute! 

"Harley" Our latest addition, March 4, 2014

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