
Ten Pins!!! My Favorites!

Here are some of my favorite pins from my favorite boards:

1.   ...From a shoebox!  While I don't love the contact paper, I just bought some chevron paper from Amazon on the recommendation from First Grade Fairytales via a Ten Pin Linky party!  Can I say "linky" too many times?  It's a fun word, linky, linky, linky.
shoe box organization!
I don't think the picture has a source, so I apologize to the owner of the photo, and can't give credit! If you know who it belongs to, just comment and I'll add the credit.  So I'm doing this, and since my 18 year old son wears a size 15 shoe my storage boxes should be ginormous! 

2. LOVE the improved file cabinet look.  Could they have picked an uglier color for school file cabinets?  I don't think my principal would mind if I improved mine.  Chalkboard spray paint has been my best inspiration this year.  
LOVE chalkboard paint!
This blogger gives step-by-step instructions, a really nice tutorial.  

3.  School Girl Style is my favorite inspiration for my classroom.  I searched for fabric last summer that I wanted to use to cover my open shelving and couldn't make a decision.  I finally had to study her blog long enough to realize that what I liked was bigger patterns.  They couldn't be busy, but had to be very bold and graphic.  That's why her polka dots look so awesome, graphic boldness.  I bought some brown and white large polka dot fabric.  It looks awesome.  Here is my inspiration. (Mine is larger polka dots than this photo, and I LOVE it.)
polka dots=awesome and graphic

4.  To have an entire bookshelf with my Word Work organized...dream.  I decided this morning that I am cleaning out my bookshelf and re-working its purpose.  I have too many books on there that I never use and not enough practical storage.  As I go through these blogs connected to this link, my "to do list" is GROWING.  Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, haha!  Thank you, Mrs. Bond, for the great idea.
Word Work orgainized!

5.  Mardel is one of my favorite stores for sure.  I love this Isabella stuff.  They don't have many sales, but right before school starts, they send out 40% off coupons.  Mardel will also order anything you need from Creative Teaching Press that they don't carry in the store (free shipping if you pick it up in the store.) But now (even better) is that JoAnn Fabric has Creative Teaching Press designs and they ALWAYS have a coupon available. 

6.  So in  link #4, I see in my future Word Work organization, AND I love this writing center idea.  I think my next investment will be the drawer storage.  Target had a bunch on clearance last week and I wanted them, but wasn't thinking of how I could use them. I have to watch myself when I see organizational stuff because I could just buy and buy with no specific purpose in mind = waste of money! This is a wonderful idea from Smiling in Second Grade, and I think I need to invest in some writing storage = purpose!  
Writing Center!

7.  I love Remind 101 and use it all the time.  It is great for letting parents know that "tomorrow is spirit day" or "book reports due tomorrow."  If you haven't set it up yet, then I highly recommend!! This blogger has a great tutorial and link to get started!  I just got an email from Remind 101 that said you can now attach pictures to your texts.  Could be useful?!
Remind 101

8.  I wish I had a different wall color in my room.  My light blue is better than just white, but I love the way this color that this blogger (The Creative Chalkboard) used makes her stuff stand out.  I heard from a designer once that every room needs a pop of black. I think that is so true.  Black is like an anchor. I've kinda used more dark brown as an anchor in my room, but I love the black in the picture along with her other color choices. 
love these colors!
Her entire classroom is adorable!!  

9. Do you get a million notes and pictures from your students?  They even make them at home and bring them to me the next day.  It always blesses me that they thought of me while they were at home. And while I am blessed, what do I DO with all of that paper???  I can't hang them all up, I can't stand the clutter.  Do they go in the "gray file?"  Yes
Admit it...you trash them too.  

Me:  "My name is Julie, and I throw away my students' notes and artwork."
You:  "Hi, Julie."

I'm going to do this.  When they ask me where their picture is, I'm going to say, "Oh sweetie, it's in the special notebook, and you can look at it when you finish your work!"  Thank you to "The Art of Education."
Trash No Longer!
10.  I try to pin only things I'm going to actually do.  Not that I've done everything I've pinned, but I do try to be realistic!  This is probably one of my favorite ideas.  It works great for file folders, but I have used it for my spiral notebooks for reading and writing.  The kids can quickly see which one is theirs.  It is just a great repurpose idea, I think.  There is no link attached to this photo, so once again, if you know the owner, please comment so I can give credit.  
dish rack idea really works!
Ok, so here's #11, just this one more.  I can't eat just one Lay's Potato chip either.  Whole Brain Teaching is so easy and useful.  I can't say I'm an expert, but I do use it daily and I do like most aspects of it.  I do "class-yes", "teach-ok", "mirror", "blow it in your hand" and many other parts.  I love this girl's methods.  She is really great at WBT!!
Whole Brain Teaching
Watch her videos on YouTube!  She has a blog as well.

Share some of your favorite links when you comment!! 

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