
A Long, Lost Post

This was an old post that was stuck in my "drafts" folder forever (since maybe September???).  I forgot about it!  I don't know why I left it there, but anyway, I'm posting it now:

Here in Texas, we call our standards TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills).  They are very similar to Common Core Standards, but we are kinda independent here, and I guess we like it that way.  We all have to find a way to store the materials to cover those objectives in some sort of orderly way.  I found these awesome bins at Ikea for .99!  They are about 15" x 15" x 18", and they stack if necessary.  I have six of them (one for each of our big math objectives) and each is filled with activities for Guided Math groups, just piled in there. I hate that. 

I have a plan, though.  I am using coupon files for flashcards and task cards which was mostly what was in the bins.  The kids can just grab a plastic coupon file, play the game or do the activity and wrap it back up.  I reserve the bins for manipulatives like bags of money, geometric shapes, and etc... things that won't fit well into the coupon files.  And, as I mentioned earlier in another post, the coupon files are $1 in the Target Dollar Spot, cute colors, too! I just bought more in pink chevron. I know, breathe, take a break, quit going to Target every day.  

Guided Math

We have a 100 minute block for math each day.  I do Guided Math four days a week.  I might sneak a rotation or two in somewhere else if I have a large enough block.  Each day is usually organizational for the first few minutes.  We talk about homework, grade morning work,  and have our whole group mini lesson or a review. Monday - Thursday are my solid Guided Math days. Sometimes when I have quite a bit to do with a small group, they might stay with me for two rotations.  I thought this might upset them at first, but they seem to like it when they see their name at the teacher center!  How sweet, they love me!  Regardless of how long they are with me, even if it's ten minutes, I document the time and activity for my RTI notebook.  I keep track (after we are finished) of each child's time with me on their own personal page in a notebook (free form linked).  My mom was a teacher.  She emphasized the importance of documentation.  I took her seriously, and I probably over-document, but I like to do it!  I know,  I'm weird.  

M - Math Facts

I usually use our ipad minis or have them do flashcards with partners for facts practice.   By the end of almost a year of working on the computers at desks, they asked me if they could sit on the floor with the ipads.  I realized the devices had less distance to fall if they were on the floor!  The floor is just more fun, right?!  

A - At Your Seat

The "at  your seat" center is where I require that they turn in their work.  It goes with with the whole group lesson or is independent-type of review work.  I seldom have a student come and ask for help while in this center. 

T - Teacher Choice

They are very respectful of the teacher center (where I work with small groups,) which is just part of the beauty of Guided Math.  Ideally, my stations are run by the students while I work with a few kids.

H - Hands On

For the Hands-On center, we practice the games and activities before they go into the center and I have tons of task cards. I might teach part of my lesson using something I plan to put in a center later.  I play against the class and they love that!! They almost always work on the floor, together...trying hard to get along.  

I love centers, they make my teaching happy (happy, happy :o)

Great New Rotation Board
From Clutter Free Classroom, I found this great Guided Math Rotation Board, here.  All I have to change are the groups at the bottom of the board. (I put the kids' names on super stick post its and just move them as needed.)  Sorry the picture is so blurry...phone camera :o(



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