
Apples to Owls

I came from the "old school" of classroom decorating: primary red, green, blue, yellow.  I don't hate those colors.  I have just seen them in my classroom for so long, and that was all there was to choose from for so long!  Apples are my decorative enemy. 

Seriously, love apples but so tired of them in the classroom.  The way I see it, I'm in that room more hours than my living room or kitchen.  Why shouldn't I love it?  Why shouldn't I make it as beautiful as I possibly can AND kid-friendly at the same time?  I'm on the hunt constantly for wonderful things that make my room look great.  I'm not where I'd like to be, but I'm getting closer.  I painted the back of this old school chair to match the Paisley on Turquiose and Paisley on Chocolate borders by Creative Teaching Press.  It's not exactly the same, but I like it!

Before school started last year, I went to the ONLY teacher store in our huge town.  They have a great selection, fortunately, but I occasionally have to order that certain border that I want.  I am crazy for Creative Teaching Press turquoise, chocolate, and related items.   My 14 year old daughter was with me as I shopped.  She had specific ideas about what I should buy, right?  I told her when we walked in the store, "I don't want a theme, I just want my colors."  When I left, I had all of the Paisley on Turquoise, Paisley on Chocolate letters and borders I needed AND a basketful of owls.  She had found the most adorable owls in muted turquoise, green, brown, orange and had been sneaking them in the whole time.  So, I left with a THEME.  My reaction was, "Hey, how did these get in there?" (giggle, giggle)  As it turns out, I love them.  They are almost cliche' right now, but I still love them.  They match my room and make me happy. 

By the way, our JoAnn Fabrics just started carrying CTP (Creative Teaching Press) items! Yea!  40% off, here I come!

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