
New Blog Look

I'm always thinking how to do things better.  Not only in my classroom, but in my communications with other people, whether it be parents, students, or other teachers.   This new blog idea has been on the middle burner (not the back 😁) of my brain for a couple of years.  It usually doesn't take me this long to act on an idea.  I guess there are just too many distractions in life to follow through with all the steps it takes to basically re-brand your work.  All that said, this quarantine...and re-quarantine (ugh) has me typing on this old blog again wanting to make it new and more descriptive of my passions in teaching.

If you scrolled through the blog on past posts, what you might see most often are words about communication, oral language, stations, and SOCRATIC SEMINAR.  With all of this online school situation, I'm excited about the new look of Socratic Seminar in my classroom.  It looks like the possibility is high for not starting in-person school as planned.  Texas is currently surging with very high COVID numbers.  It's gonna take awhile to calm down and school may not start August 17 as planned.  TEA has already said that parents will be able to choose if they want kids to go to school in the building or online.  Who knows.  It's early July, and it's just too soon to tell.

Regardless of what we end up doing, a huge part of my job is using Socratic Seminar to work with my students regarding what we are reading or learning.  I have used it in so many ways.  We have discussed current events, books, feelings, and whatever can be discussed using the Socratic Method.  I may be Socrates biggest promoter.  He would probably think I'm a stalker.  I am such a fan.

So stay tuned for all things Socratic.  Look for book ideas, discussion topics, tweaks for your seminars, and some other stuff as I just turn what I do into what I share.  Look for a new look and a new name.  I can't wait!!!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog look! I'm trying to go with the flow. I teach in Connecticut. Our numbers here aren't TOO high, but reopening plans are still very unsettled. I look forward to your future posts!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Thanks Jan!! I can't wait to focus more on Socratic Seminar, plus all of the other stuff I/we do. This header on my blog is temporary...so watch for a whole new look. I'm super excited. Our numbers here in Texas are going CRAZY, so school start dates are iffy at best. It's nice to talk to others as we walk through this COVID thing together, as teachers.


It's all about sharing ideas here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please check back because I do reply to comments here!