
The Sunday Scoop

I am happy to link up with The Sunday Scoop this week!  It is a fun linky to do on a Sunday because it is fast and when you're done, you have your day planned!
My day is going to be busy even though I haven't done a thing but blog and read email and stuff online, with a little Pinterest mixed in here and there.  Honestly, that is my favorite part of my Sunday (when we skip church like we did today! It's ok, He already knows.)  Since my kids were small, I've loved to get up early and be the only one up and drink coffee...alone.  When my kids would wake up, I'd be ready to see them walk sleepy-eyed into the living room.  Guess what, they're 18 and 16 and they still walk sleepy-eyed into the living room, eventually. Some of the "cute" has worn off because they won't wear footie-pajamas anymore :(   My oldest is still cute as well, but at 27, I've got to quit calling him cute!  Ok enough Sunday rambling.  Here's my scoop:


  1. Julie, They DO make footsie pajamas in adult sizes. Maybe your children need some for Christmas! [Including the 27-year-old...why not?] I love to read blogs while drinking coffee, too. My daughter is five, though, and always wakes up before I do on the weekends. So my reading is usually pleasantly interrupted by kisses, hugs, and toy food breakfasts. Have a great week!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Thanks for the comment, Jan! I may look into some footie Christmas pj's - THAT would be funny. Your morning sounds so sweet and familiar...from long ago when my babies were little. I still get hugs and kisses from my daughter, but no play food! Just wait, someday you'll get some real breakfast cooked for you, which is really nice!

  3. Good luck with those HAVE tos - hope you managed to get them done and enjoy the rest of your day!
    Growing Little Learners

  4. I absolutely love that your kids walked sleepy eyed into your living room. That is so sweet. :) I agree with Jan... buy those kiddos some footie pajamas. A gift from their momma will always be received with open arms and probably lots of giggles! Thanks for linking up with us today! Have a fabulous week.

    Funky in Fourth
    Teaching Trio

  5. Thanks, Cassie! I love your linky. It's perfect for a Sunday! Yes, I guess I need to get my giant babies some footie pj's this year. It would make me happy. And "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy," right?!


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