
Pumpkin Attribute Activity

I found these cute hanging pumpkins one year at Dollar Tree.  I hang them up year after year.  I always meant to do a fun activity with them, but never have quite had time to create it.  There are 16 pumpkins hanging from my ceiling and four different designs.  I mix them up and it is REALLY hard to tell how many different types there are.

I introduced the word "attributes" to them. We noticed that some have two teeth, some have zig zag teeth, curved stems, straight stems, curly mouths, scary mouths, etc... I gave the kids a page with the task of figuring out how many different types of pumpkins there are and how many of each type.

After they finally figured out there are four types that had the same attributes, they had to count how many of each type.  This sounds easy enough, but since they couldn't touch them and they are all mixed, it was a challenge.  Even my GT kids were working very hard to figure this out.  It was interesting that they all wanted to work alone.  I let them pair up only if they wanted to.  

Since I couldn't duplicate my pumpkins for you, I've created a set that you can find in my TpT store or at Buy Sell Teach and use just in time for Halloween!
Available {HERE}

planning pages
Could you tell we had "Pink Out" day today for October Breast Cancer Support Month?  My girls loved it...the boys, not so much. Some were brave and wore pink.

1 comment:

  1. We were all in pink on Friday too - I loved seeing the whole school out at playtime!

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award - find out more here: http://growinglittlelearners.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/liebster-award.html


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