
Famous People Scavenger Hunt

This is a post I sent home to my students on our class blog.  The response was tremendous!  Almost every student tried to figure it out.  I sent the link home in an email to moms and dads (and didn't tell the kids about it) so that they would have adult supervision when they went online.  This idea could be about anything, not just famous people.  I'd love to hear your ideas about how you would use this because I'd like to do this more!  
I wrote:

Students and Parents:
Take a look at these famous people.  Only two of them are not American citizens. Can you use the Internet to identify each one, tell me what they were famous for, and identify the two people who are not American citizens?  Please use "comments" and number them as you identify them (your parents will have to "follow" the blog with an email address first).  The first boy and the first girl to correctly identify all six people, give me an accurate fact about why they were famous, and find the two non-Americans will receive a "free homework pass." 







(photo credits: www.sciencekids.co.nz

The Wright  Brothers
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