
Place Value Game

Is it ok for third graders to gamble?  Just kidding.  I LOVE this engaging game for teaching number sense and place value.  All you need is a decahedron (polyhedra - 10 sided) die and one of my place value charts (start out with playing to the the thousands place, and add on until you get to hundred thousands.) Here is a FREEBIE for you, or you can have the kids turn their journals lengthwise and let them make one (a really valuable skill!)  
Before you start, explain to the kids you will roll the die six times.  They will try to make the highest possible (or lowest possible) number they can make by placing the number you rolled into one of the places on the chart.  As you roll six times, they have to use good judgement on where to place the numbers in order for the desired outcome.  Part of it is luck, but it takes alot of "number sense."  You can really tell who doesn't "get it" when trying to make the highest possible number and they put a 9 in the ones place.  I make it a rule not to give them the same digit twice in a game, I roll six different numbers and I don't count zero when making the smallest possible number (because I don't want them to put zero in the hundred thousands place.)  I have them use red pen or marker so they can't erase or change their minds, or just put their pencils down when after they write the number. They're pretty good a policing each other, as you well know!  Being sure of where they want the number forces them to think before they "lock in" their answer.  Each time they "win", they can place a check mark next to that row.  I give out stickers for each win.  If I happen to have a student who wins all or the most rounds, they may get a trip to the treasure chest or a cool certificate. It's kinda hard to win, so they must really be thinking!   

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