
Early Christmas!

Christmas has just come a little early in room 409!  I just got word that my Donors Choose project if fully funded!!  

I want to give you a description of what that is just in case you aren't familiar. (If you are, please jump up and down for me because you KNOW how excited I am!!)  Donors Choose is a way to post an online "wish list" (called a project).  It's a list of things YOU choose, things you need for your classroom (but it could even be a field trip or something like that.)  It's very similar to getting a grant, but your project is funded in parts according to the donations your receive. You write about the supplies you've chosen (some people need furniture - like  a horseshoe table- or some need a class set of books, etc...) and how you will specifically use them with the kids.  That has to be submitted and approved. 

Then the fun part...you shop!  I chose everything from Lakeshore Learning that I thought I could really use in math or reading centers this year (magnetic letters, stamper letters, nonfiction literacy center, Hot Dots [so cool], math money center, large bulletin board coins, etc...) It was really just everything I had ever wished for since we've been doing Daily 5 and Guided Math!  

At first the donations were kind of slow.  You leave your project up for three months.  I sent emails to family (didn't have the heart guts nerve to send it to friends, but lots of people put their link on Facebook.)  I had about 5 donations over about 2 months but was a couple of hundred dollars shy of my funding.  A local mall manager even offered to double donations through October!!  I don't even know her, so it was very sweet.  Then  one night I checked email.  Someone, a total stranger, had funded the rest of my project!! BOOM, all done.  That was just AMAZING to me.  Someone I don't even know cared about my kids. That made me wanna cry, so I did.  

When you decide to do a project there is really nothing to lose!  It costs nothing to try.  Totally worth it!!  I encourage you to try it.  Here is an excellent video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSdjfh2YjM

I would be glad to answer any questions you have about Donor's Choose (if I can!)  I'll post pictures when the goodies arrive!! The kids are going to have so much fun!!  

If you've done a project, tell me about it in the comments section! 


  1. My third grade class just got 2 iPads, the donations were coming in the same as yours and then just as it funded a parent's company sent in a check for $300 (made out to the school) so we're getting a 3rd one:) YEAH DONORSCHOOSE!

    1. So great, isn't it?!! Congratulations to you! We are so enjoying our stuff! I've been taking lots of pictures for my thank you package.


It's all about sharing ideas here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please check back because I do reply to comments here!