
School on MONDAY!

We had three days of inservice this week and two days to work in our rooms.  I know everyone was trying so hard to listen at inservice, but were probably all thinking about all they had to do in their rooms.  Sometimes I think I could be more focused if we had days in our classroom first, then inservice.  If you're like me, you can't relax until that last desk is in place and the room looks completely ready!  New pictures of the southeast side and north side of my room (and yes, I am going to try to sit on that giant pillow at my small desk.  I may end up dumped onto the floor! The kids won't forget that!)   Update: I'm NOT sitting on the pillow, haha.  I'm leaning against it.  And yes, I was nearly dumped onto the floor, just as I predicted, but it's so dang cute I can't part with it.

I've been at this school for ten years now, and we are celebrating our 30th year this year, so it may be safe to ask now, "WHO picked maroon lockers and bright red chairs???" Oh well, at least we have lockers and chairs (or that's what my mother would want me to say.)  On the east wall is my FAVORITE purchase from TpT thus far. Thank you Clutter Free Classroom for the AWESOME guided math organizational pieces, here.  I will not have to change anything but names  (I will put them on sticky notes and just switch around their groups as needed!!)  I'll also have room to write the assignments under the different center titles. It came out pretty great.  What do you think?? You might also notice my Whole Brain Teaching prompts above the chalkboard.  LOVE WBT.  When I had energy to take pictures today, the west side, including my desk was full of dropped off supplies from Meet the Teacher Night, so next time, we'll visit that side! 
I am not "officially done."  I still have to go up this weekend to tweak a few details.  I'm so excited to have my class come in and start the new year!! I got to meet some really sweet parents and kids last night. 

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