
Cool Stuff for $1

     Thanks to Stephanie @ www.thirdgradethoughts.com, I went to Target today to look for some of the flashcards she mentioned the other day.  I found some cool stuff to start the year off!  I found the cutest chalkboard stickers for my team!  I thought we could use them outside our doors (we change classes for our LA block, so we have different kids coming to our rooms, trying to remember what they need to bring.)   I wrote on them already, but they erase great with a damp cloth (tried it.) There were even some stickers that were speech bubble shapes! So cute. I used an Expo Brightsticks pen to write on themI love these pens, and I use them on the regular chalkboard to write things that I want to keep on the board all year.  They don't erase when you wipe over them with the regular eraser and come in five colors.  You have to use a wet wipe or two to get it off the chalkboard, but it works great and the colors are good
I also found  flashcards  ($1) that Stephanie mentioned along with some wipe-off books ($1), which I promptly cut apart to fit into my plastic file holders for my centers.  There were also some wipe-off flashcards, and of course I had to grab some more of the little dry erase markers (4/$1) and erasers.  


 Social Studies

      Ok, now for a social studies connection...We all know there are things that our kids should know, things we don't directly teach on a regular basis because of time constraints.  For older elementary kids to know the 50 states and their locations is just a "given," right??  I believe that we have to teach and review these things and not just assume they will get it down the road.  Consider this a preteaching activityGeography and maps seem to get a little lost sometimes, at least in our curriculum.  I love maps and coloring them.  I love map colors!  Weird, I know.  The kids in our district learn their states and capitols in 5th grade and up.  A little center where they get a head start couldn't hurt. 
See? I just justified my purchase, much like I do when I buy clothes I don't need.  I found these wipe-off maps ($1) and flashcards on a different Target trip, but still very recently, so they should still have them.  I thought the kids could draw a card from the stack, read a little about it, use the card like a locator map, and label the board using the correct abbreviation.  They could also label the capitols.  It even has continents on the back of the board for more practice.  LOVE IT for $1!  
 Yea Target...again!

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  1. Hi there, just found your blog and am adding it to my favorites! I just started a blog this summer too and teach third grade! Check out thankstoateacher1.blogspot.com and we can enjoy sharing all things third!

  2. I will check out your blog, and thank you!!


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